Saturday, August 25, 2018

You Can Have Your Cake...and a Happy Birthday

Several years ago,
I saw
on a blog and made some letters for my kitchen.....

When we moved from our olden house to The Summer House,
I gave my letters away because I thought there was no where to use
them in the new kitchen.
and then.....

Pitiful Poor Pictures...
so much light in this room.....hard
to get decent photos....

but...OOO, I do love all this nice, natural light.
So do my plants !!

This post is all about CAKE....

A Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet DIL...

This sweet picture of her and her little grandgirl,
is a very favorite of mine.

I hope your day is extra special, Kathy.

We all love you very very much....

 ♥ ♥ ♥

Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It's all about the memories. 


...a very favorite...
Pineapple Upside Down Cake...
my mama made the very best !!

 How fun it is to create these little letters into something

...the letters from Hobby Lobby
and so is all the cute papers and ModPodge....

I missed my letters and when I thought,
"Hey....I could make some more and hang them
above the double set of
French doors....
woo hoo

Mr. Sweet's favorite...

If only he could come back for just an afternoon,
we would have HIS cake...😭 heart is still so broken about losing him...


MY favorite...
White Cake with Real Fudge Icing...

Real fudge candy icing...
sometimes, it gets really thick before you can
slather the cake and won't spread over
the entire cake...
and I so love it that way.

I can eat my weight in it...
My mama made the best....
but I learned from her and mine is a close 2nd...πŸ˜„

Bad photos...
It's like pointing your camera right at the sun.....
 I need a better camera than the one on my phone....
 Strawberries and chocolate just GO TOGETHER....
Strawberry cake with a fudge icing is HARD TO BEAT.
(and, gosh....take a look at those luscious and huge pecans)

An orange cake....
 SUNSHINE CAKE...sooo good
♪♫♪...walking in the sunshine, sing a little sunshine song♫♪♪
The SUNSHINE SONG by Roger Miller

 I am thinking that next summer,
I may make letters....
in watery cute with the pool right there.....
2 signs...
SPLISH SPLASH over one door
over the other.....


♥ ♥ ♥
Life is a cake and love is the icing on top of it. 
Without love, it becomes difficult to swallow life.


  1. Sad for your sad bj . . .
    I am smiling as I think CAKE though . . .
    That Christmas cake is a charmer, WOW!

  2. You’ll always miss Mr. Sweet, and that’s okay. Eat his favorite cake in his honor! Your EAT CAKE letters are great! I’m inspired to make a COTTAGE sign!

  3. Oh good news! (I am hard to kidnap.) Love your pretty letters: Eat Cake!

    There is no remedy for losing loved ones. It will never be okay. We just live in hope—we will see them again!

  4. Well, thanks. You KNOW what I'm craving now!

  5. Wondering if you have shared that fudge icing recipe somewhere?

  6. I love this post. I believe your incredible faith (the gorgeous cross hanging between the french doors) guided by the eternal love from Mr Sweet led you to to make the signs EAT CAKE, memorializing the love between you, your unwavering faith and the love of cake shared by all your loved ones.
    You cannot look at those words and not smile. You are very blessed.

    1. Thanks so much for your visit, mjny...and the sweet comment.

  7. Oh friend. I am sure you miss him dearly. I love the eat cake signs. A good reminder to enjoy the little things daily.

    And, not sure if you got it fixed already. But what is working for most is to go into the settings for comments, where your email address is, delete it, hit save, then go back in and add it again and hit save again. It will prompt blogger to send you an email telling you that it is requesting the ability to send emails to you, accept it. Hope this helps.

  8. I cannot even come close to knowing the hurt you feel. Treasure your memories and know that one day you'll be together again. You just have so much more to do and many celebrations to spend with your family. Much more cake to eat :)
    I just may have gained ten pounds reading your post, LOL.
    Connie :)

  9. All you photos are great and all the cakes look so delicious wish I could have some but I have to have sugar free desserts. Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  10. Stop, I'm gaining weight just looking at all that lucious cake!

  11. Oh my gosh you always have the best cakes. I think you should open your own bakery and sell some of these. You are the best baker ever!
    Sorry you are feeling sadness about Bill not being here. Believe me he is in that kitchen with you as you bake. Taking in all the wonderful smells and watching you enjoy every bite of the deliciousness of your creative delights. Happy Saturday.

  12. BJ, All those cakes looks wonderful. I know you miss your sweet loving husband. My children's father has been gone 17 years . His B-day was Wednesday and I miss him still. I love your letters and think that is a clever idea to change them out every now and then. Even holiday letters would be fun. :):) Blessings to you my sweet friend. Love you,xoxo, Susie

  13. Yes we will always miss your dear hubbies, bj, but weren't we so lucky to have them?
    Your posts are full of happiness, and now I want a big slice of cake! Your EAT CAKE looks great above your doors. I'm glad you made them again! Thinking I need some!

  14. Lovely letters, you did an awesome job on them. Those cakes look wonderful. German Chocolate is one of my favorites as well.

    God bless.

  15. Love your “eat cake” signs! Adorable! And those cakes look soooooo good. German Chocolate is one of my favorites too!!......
    As far as your emails go. Do this.....
    Go to your blogger dashboard and go to settning then click email.
    Jot down your reader emails if any then delete them, Next delete your email.
    Click save then go back and add all back.
    THat should fix your email problem.

  16. I love this...and over the doorways is the perfect spot. There are so many seasonal ways you could do. Have fun!

  17. Your post is delightful and so sweet!Love your delicious cake,your beautiful kitchen and your special memories...Blessings!

  18. I think I gained 5lbs. reading this, BJ,(smile) your cakes look so yummy. I truly believe our memories are what carry us through this life, you have great ones to share. Have a blessed day.

  19. I'm sorry you're missing Mr Sweet. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through. I pray the Lord continues to walk with you through this season. (I'm not getting comments in my email either so I tried the suggestion about deleting, saving and typing it in again. It looks like that worked, I hope so!)

  20. I love your "eat cake" sign, so fun!!I love little signs and letters throughout our house, and I know you do as well. that room is just plain GORGEOUS, with all the beautiful light pouring in, all the plants and greenery, and your table right there. What a pretty place to sit, to eat,to drink coffee, to contemplate, to wake up in the mornings. I love this post and all the pretty pictures of the cakes! My brothers favorite is the german chocolate and I grew up eating alot of's so good. My favorite cake is YOURS!!--I like snow white cake with chocolate icing. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and it's even better! LOL Hope you had a nice weekend. I didn't have any cake but I had alot of coffee cake, that counts, right??!! LOL

  21. Hi bj : )
    I love your eat cake letters I know I saw them
    On a blog to and loved them
    But never got around to making them. I know the blog I just can’t remember the name this second I know the owners name is Tina, she lived in Texas and had turned over Tera cotta pots around her front garden. It’s going drive me nuts and I’ll have to go find it lol anyway yours came out great! I think splish splash would look wonderful at summertime the possibilities are endless. Have a good day.

    1. Hi, Row...that was CHERRY HILL COTTAGE...

  22. I love German chocolate cake too:). My Mama always made the best one everπŸ’•. Those letters are perfect, I think I will make some:). Enjoy your day dear BJ and happy b’day to Kathy. Hugs

  23. Oh my gosh...those EAT CAKE letters are too cute...and they look great above your French doors. How do you stay so thin eating all that cake, anyway?? :D

  24. My heart would still be broken, as well. I'M sorry he's not with you in-person, but I know hei still and always will be, in your heart.

  25. Honestly, if something happened to my John, I don't know what I would do. Married since I'm 23. I have spent most of my life with him.

    I will always pray for extra strength for you.

    Your Eat Cake letters are very pretty. How cute would Splish Splash be for the summer.

    There's nothing like a good piece of cake and coffee. You make me hungry often

    Enjoy your day


  26. BJ your EAT CAKE letters are just the cutest! Everything on your page looks too yummy. That fudge icing.... girl I'm gaining weight just looking at them. Thanks for sharing!

  27. You made me want cake! Splish Splash sounds fun! Go for it!
    Have a great week. Sorry about your comments. They just want to mess with us!

  28. I always love catching up with you bj. Love seeing your cakes and photos of you home. That pool looks so wonderful and refreshing outside!!


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