Friday, March 10, 2017

He is AMAZING....

Mr. Sweet started his cancer treatments yesterday (3/9/17).

Chemo pills at home.
These he will take the rest of his life.

Radiation ....10:00 am Monday thru Friday
with weekends off...YAY

we were nervous about this as it is part of the "unknown" until you do it the first time.
It went smoothly.....and fast....only 20 minutes from the time
they wheel him upstairs in the Cancer Center to the time they bring him
back downstairs, where we wait for him.

He will do this for 6 weeks and then another
to see where we are.

His schedule is:
7 AM.....Anti-Nausea Pill
7:45 ....Chemo Pill
8:45....Light breakfast

cereals and fruits....

 ...with one of these thrown in every now and then....😄
we all know a Maple Glazed Donut is good for the soul.

 making records of EVERYthing...

So far, the Chemo drug isn't making him sick....
we are SO thankful for that.

And, the radiation isn't burning his head...
not even getting red yet.
The radiation tech says it most likely WON'T burn his head...
Diana at Nana Diana Takes A Break blog 
has been so helpful in telling me what we might expect...
and things that will make Mr. Sweet more comfortable...
if he SHOULD experience radiation burns,
we have an Ala Vera plant  standing by....
THANK YOU, NANA. ! xoxoxo
... he might feel TIRED after each treatment
but that hasn't happened yet, either.

Please pray with us that he breezes thru these treatments
with the greatest of ease.

...these sweet little notes from our girl, STACY LEIGH,
makes me happy...
I love you, too, Stacy.

Both our children and their families have been life-savers thru this
 tension-filled time...
He is sleeping good at night...
going out to his work shop for a couple hours most days...
eating good...
in good spirits...

 We are feeling

 A blogger friend sent the PRAYER below
to us thru Email.

Lord, your Word speaks promises of healing and restoration and I thank you for the miracles you still perform today. Today I claim those promises over my blogger friend BJ's husband BILL CONKLIN. I believe in the healing power of faith, prayer and I ask you to begin your mighty work in the life of BILL CONKLIN. I pray and believe that the tumor in his brain is being healed now in Jesus Mighty name!!! Your word is the truth , it states in Mark 16:18 they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. I lay my hands on BILL CONKLIN and speak life into his Brain and ask in Jesus name be HEALED of any cancer tumors. Dear Holy Spirit surround him with supernatural healing, peace and strength and give him the faith to believe that all things are possible for him. Let his miraculous healing begin. In Jesus Name,Amen. Thank you God !!! (((HUGS)))  



  1. Oh so good to read this update dear bj and Mr. Sweet. Continued prayers for smooth sailing ahead with the treatments. May God cover you all with his peace and mercy and joy in the midst!

  2. Thank you, BJ, for the update. God is good.

  3. Thank you so much for the update on Mr Sweet. I pray for you both every night and God is good and will see Bill through this illness. You take care BJ and be strong.

    Hugs to you dear friend.

  4. Praying for you all in the name of Jesus. Blessings,


  5. So glad everything is going well. My dad, at 90, had parotid cancer (it was on the side of his face) and had to have 6 weeks of radiation 5 days a week. The duration was 10 min. of radiation each treatment. He started to feel tired the 6th week and, on his last day, he asked to skip and the Dr. said yes. He did not suffer radiation burn or even a sore throat. He did have to stop smoking and drinking because, after 6 weeks, the pipe and brandy did not taste good but he could still enjoy all his favorite foods. He died from a major stroke at 93.....nothing related to cancer. So be confident that your hubby will make a full recovery! Patty Mc

  6. Glad to hear such positive things from you dear bj - wishing and hoping all will go well for dear Mr. Sweet. Tell him we are pulling for him every day.
    Hugs to you both - Mary

  7. Forgot to add the most important sister and I are Christians and lifted my dad up in prayer asking for a healing and to help him stop drinking. Thank God he recovered and had to stop smoking and drinking. Patty Mc

  8. Thanks for the up date on Bill. My prayers will continue for you both. Have a blessed evening and a wonderful weekend. Madeline

  9. I am SO happy to hear that Mr. Sweet is doing good with the treatments. I am praying every day and have faith in God to heal your sweet hubby🙏🏼. Love to all of you❤️

  10. Great news that things are going well so far! I'm happy for both of you!

  11. Prayers for Mr. Sweet to be healed completely, for comfort and strength. May God bless you both.

  12. Continuing prayers for Mr. Sweet, you dear BJ and your whole family; rest in His arms.

  13. Thank you for the update bj . . .
    Prayers for Mister Sweet and SWEET you bj and family . . .

  14. I'm so glad to read such comforting update, darling BJ, your Mr Sweet will undertake this venture with great success, you'll see, with all your love and the Lord by his side !

    Wishing you a most wonderful weekend together

    XOXO Daniela at - My little old world - (Dany)

  15. So glad to hear things are going good for Mr.Sweet. Prayers for him and you,Bj'!

  16. Dear BJ and Bill, I don't comment often, but I PRAY often for y'all and by name. I will continue to do so. Know that our faithful God lays you on hearts when you most need it and around the clock so you are continually covered in prayer. Love, Carol (now at

  17. So glad to hear things are going good for you both! Prayer works and there sure are alot of them for the both of you. Hugs to your whole family!

  18. Tears of Joy and Gratitude spring to my eyes as I read this. Prayer is such a powerful thing and our God is so good. You and Bill inspire me! Hugs!

  19. So happy to hear all is going well....Staying positive is so important and it sounds as if you both are, and you are so lucky to have such a loving and supportive family close by! PS, LOVE that tabletop!!

  20. Oh BJ, what a wonderful report. Prayers for sure are being sent and fingers are crossed that the treatments are one 'sweet' experience (at least as sweet as possible). And hugs to you. As I said, it can be tough being strong for others, so be sure to take care of yourself as well. Get two of those donuts and enjoy them together! xxxx Jackie (PS. Patti above noticed your table top as did I. I thought, who but BJ could turn a medical report into something with such beauty!!)

  21. So glad to hear that Mr. Sweet is doing so well. Those maple-glazed donuts can't hurt!!


  22. A beautiful prayer. I will be praying along side Patty and the many others for a miraculous healing of Bill. Glad for the update and to hear he is doing well with the meds and treatment thus far. Be sure to take care of yourself as well my friend! (((HUGS)))

  23. Dear sweet BJ,
    I have been and will continue to pray for your Mr. Sweet. It's a blessing to know that he is responding well to his treatments. Nana Diana is such a good soul and she has also shown so much support and care for me and Jeff. Blogging friends are the best. I know that you will give him the best care possible and remember to take care of yourself too.
    Love and hugs,

  24. I am thrilled that things are going well. Continued prayers and sending hugs

  25. I'll continue to keep you and Mr. Sweet in my prayers. So thankful to see this encouraging blog post! God is good -- all the time!

  26. So good to hear you are both doing well. Will continue to pray for a miraculous healing.

  27. BJ - Such good news. Still praying for a quick recovery and complete destruction of the tumor. Keeping positive people around makes such a difference. John had 45 radiation treatments and never got sick. He got a little tired at the end but we were really blessed that it didn't affect him more. Keep your chin up and your faith strong. Am praying for you both several times daily.


  28. I am thinking of you and Mr. Sweet so much Bj and I wish you both lots of love and hugs. You are both very much in my prayers.

  29. BJ, I see the calendar appointment books , bottles of pills. It is good to keep a daily journal on all of Mr. Sweet's treatments and dr. visits. You are all in my prayers. Hugs to the family and you and your sweetie. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  30. I am praying for you both! We are on a journey too,
    as Mike has been in the hospital since Jan.25 th. It is a long journey and we must trust God and ask for strength.

  31. It was so encouraging to read this post today BJ. I pray Bill will be healed and given a strength that only God can give to go through these treatments. God bless you both as you deal with all this. Hugs. Pam

  32. I am so glad that things are going well. Still keeping Bill and you in my thoughts and prayers.

    God bless.

  33. All the best to you and your family during this trying time. I just heard about this situation, and I have no doubt you will be a tower of strength for your sweet husband and family. I am glad he is tolerating the treatment well -- that's half the battle.

  34. So happy to see your update on Bill. I was just hoping and praying that everything was going well. I will continue to pray for you, Bill and all your supportive family. Remember to take care of yourself too. Hugs to both.
    Audrey Z.

  35. Praying for you all and trusting God to sustain you through this trying time. Sending hugs!

  36. Thank you for the update on your sweetheart, bj. With your positive spirits and your loving family, you are blessed. I loved the prayer that you shared form Pati. On my part, prayers will continue for both of you. Love and blessings, Kitty

  37. Thanks for letting us know how Bill is doing. My prayers are with him and you as you hope through this challenging time I know God is watching over you all.

    Hugs to you all...

  38. I believe prayers work. And love is strong. Its going to be a new journey for you two. "If he brings you to it, he will bring you through it.
    Hang in there sweetie!

  39. What wonderful news that Bill is tolerating his treatment so well. I am positive that a donut and prayer will help a lot!

  40. With your continued love,tender care and good eats, Mr. Sweet will do fine. Just remember, during all this, stress can take a toll on you. Always, find a few minutes for yourself. Many, many blessings.

  41. I'm glad to hear things are going well in treatment. I hear chemo is a horrible thing. I vaguely remember my dad going through it. Cancer spreaded too far by the time he found out.

  42. Their is POWER in Prayer and with God's word !!!! I will continue to pray for Mr. Sweet, you & your family! Mr. Sweet is in great hands ...God's hands !!!! So go ahead & Rejoice with a donut !!!! G🍩d is G🍩🍩d !!!!

  43. You are so organized and focused! Love Pati's prayer...that is fantastic. It is good to know that everything is going well and that Bill isn't even feeling tired. Praise God. I am praying like Pati! Thank you for making your prayer requests so clear. Love to you both.

  44. Excellent progress. Thanks for sharing this with us. Love how organized you are with everything and your family is simply, THE BEST!!!!

  45. SO thankful to read this encouraging and awesome report! So thankful he is responding well to the treatment and will continue to pray in Jesus name for him, and for you too! That is quite an array of medicines, and notes to keep up with, you are very organized! And hey, a little sweet for Mr. Sweet coupled with a lovely strawberry is sure to perk the body and soul up :) Hugs to you both today!

  46. Stopping by from Pink Saturday. Mr. Sweet will be in my prayers every day.

  47. I checked your posts before I left for the weekend and came back to see that things are going well. Thank the good Lord and yes, I'm still praying my friend.

    love to you both,

  48. So glad to hear the encouraging news. Will continue to pray for you and your dear husband. xo Deborah

  49. Hugs and prayers for you and Mr. Sweet! So glad he's doing well with the treatments so far.

  50. I am so glad for the good news update. It is great to know how to pray for Bill's needs. Prayers continue daily! Sending love....

  51. Thank You for the updates. God bless you both. Continuing to pray!

  52. I am so glad for the update and that he is doing so well-- that is great news and sounds like he is in great spirits!

  53. BJ, thank you for the ongoing updates. I'm glad you are now in treatment mode and moving forward. I am confident that things will go well in the end for you, even if there are bumpy days now and then. You have the faith, the strength (yes, you do! You both do!) to move forward in hope, love and healing. Please know that my prayers keep coming as I've followed your posts and I know they are joined with others to wrap you both in a healing blanket full of love.

  54. Amen. That's a perfect prayer.

    Hang in there friend. So many people are thinking of you.

  55. My silence doesn't mean I haven't been praying! You and your hubby are in my prayers often. I know you are both being held close in the arms of the Father. I'm always catching up with blog posts, it seems, these days. I believe God can still use our prayers and our words to encourage even thought the post is 'old'. Sending hugs and many, many words of prayer for you two and your precious family.


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