Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bits and Bobs of Spring

We are having a bit of rain here on the Plains of West Texas.
Not a lot...
but we covet each drop of moisture since this country stays so dry.

Our springs are filled with wind and sand
 so any form of 
moisture, we LOVE.

Kathy and David have started planting the raised garden...

I surely am looking forward to all the goodness that came from this spot last year.

I've started dreaming of getting a lot of pretty flowers growing
so that when the time is right to get our
 Patio Under The Pergola
put together for the coming summertime, I'll be ready.

Our potting shed is full of blooms and color and I can hardly wait
until it's time to bring them outside their cozy and hot house
and spread them around the pool in front of the Summer House.

The adorable "toad stools"
pictured here are  on my

I think they are sooo cute
and colorful and full of whimsy.....

and I do luv whimsy.  

and with daughter, Stacy, having a beautiful house on the lake,
I thought of her when I saw 
these olden, wooden boats, filled with beauty,

PERFECT for a spot for beautiful flowers without all the work of a full-sized garden.

 Hoping YOUR spring is in the making...
and you are getting YOUR spot all ready for the sweet summertime....
it IS on it's way....
and I can hardly wait.

Mr. Sweet is halfway thru his radiation treatments.
He is tired a lot now...and getting weaker but it is to be expected with these treatments.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for continued prayers for him.


  1. Those toadstools are just too cute for words! Continued best wishes!

  2. Wonderful garden and stunning flowers!!!
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wishing you and your husband the best...
    the "toadstool" plant stands look cool...

  4. Just the promise of flowers and gardens makes me happy! Glad Mr. Sweet is holding his own with those treatments, prayers continue. XO

  5. I love the flowers and can't wait until it's time to bring some home from the store. Prayers continue my dear friend. Big Hugs!

  6. It will be a little while before we can do this in our gardens! But what a cheerful thing for Mr. Sweet to see as he greets the day. Of course the good thoughts for healing continue to come your way. xoxo.

  7. I have been thinking of you and mr sweet. Continued prayers.

  8. Your dear Mr. Sweets has been on my prayer list! Beautiful and colorful flowers! Hugs and blessings for a successful treatment.

  9. Hi BJ. It is nice to see your post filled with hope for spring, gardening, patio time etc. I pray Mr. Sweet will find strength again once the treatments are complete. Blessings to you both and especially for healing for your husband. Pam

  10. BJ, I am sending big hugs to you and Mr. Sweet. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I love all your clever pretty ideas for the gardens. I enjoyed seeing how you pulled your patio area together. It was so very pretty. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

  11. Those toad stools!!!! I have many old planters sitting around empty. I may have to make a toad stool or two out of them. Thanks for the idea from this copy cat. :)

  12. Love the toad stools. I may have to make some for my garden. Great photos. Prayer are still continuing for Bill and you. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  13. You were a whiz with last year's flower pot constructions. The toadstools will be a breeze. Can't wait to see yours when completed.
    Praying continually.

  14. Your posts always inspire me, BJ! I haven't started planting yet...don't know why. I'm about to though. :)

    How's Mr. Sweet?

  15. Ooh, love that boat filled with beauty! Praying for your Mr. Sweets and you dear BJ. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. Have been thinking of you and your husband and praying for him and you as well. Sounds like the treatments are going well. - There were some cute ideas here today. I loved those boats planted with flowers. - On a side note if you signed up for e-mail updates to my blog you need to resign up as I recently switched e-mail addresses again. Have a wonderful day.

  17. The boats filled with flowers would be great for a lake house. Those toad stools are cute and look forward to seeing your take on them.

    NJ has gotten the memo about Spring. Can't wait to see your plants.


  18. Those boats made into gardens are soo clever!

    Hang in there with Mr. Sweet. So glad he's made it this far. At least he has a good excuse to take a nap!! The rest of us would be accused of being just lazy! Blessings to you both!

  19. Oh- I am so glad you have a bit of rain. We take it so for granted here as we hardly ever have really dry conditions. However, we DON'T take our sunny days for granted-we get far too few of those. Even the summer days are often overcast.

    Praying for Mr.Sweet. That last week of radiation is just the longest week of life (for him and you). It taxes an already exhausted body---but you WILL get through it and within a week or so he will start to perk up and not feel quite so exhausted. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel - even though it doesn't seem like it when you are in the middle of the tunnel. Blessings and love- xo Diana

  20. Your geraniums are so pretty and the one flower I love for summer. Those toadstools are adorable. If you make one please post the how to. They look easy enough. Continued prayers for you and Mr. Sweet!

  21. Glad to hear the update on Mr. Sweet. Continued prayers for sure. We're ready for some whimsy and sunshine here in the Pacific Northwest.

  22. Thanks for the update. Prayers continuing.

    Those toad stools are so cute!

    God bless.

  23. We are moving to Missouri sometime in June. Your flowers here are very much like what I am dreaming of and planning for, for our future backyard.

  24. Hang in there BJ, it'd almost over and Mr. Sweet will get his strength back.

    Flowers are so pretty. I know you can hardly wait to get your flowers out on your patio.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week. Prayers for you both.


  25. He is a trooper and you are, too. So glad that these treatments are halfway done. You are in my prayers and I find myself visiting post or no, comments or no, just to sit a spell with you. Fortunately, no one ever chases me off.

    The garden will be a delight, the flowers are gorgeous, you will enjoy your days in the sun by the pool soon.

    Do not worry about visiting or returning a comment. You have your work cut out for you right here. Sending love...💕

  26. Sending much love from me to you, and many prayers from me to God.♥

  27. BJ, your pink geraniums are lovely! I know it won't be long before you can enjoy them outside.
    I'm happy to hear you are both in the home stretch of radiation treatments. Take care of yourself. Prayers are continuing for Mr. Sweet. ♥

  28. Thanks for taking the time to let us hear from you and Mr. Sweet. Glad things are going so well and pray they continue. From what others have gone through, there will be some bad days but want last forever. I think of you two more than I let you know, but sometimes you just need your space to deal with things. Take care my friend as it will get better.

  29. The toadstools . . . whimsy indedd . . .
    You are putting me in the Over The Moon mood . . .
    We are just beginning here, I SAW my first Robins here on Monday!
    Happy Mr Sweet is 1/2 way through the radiation.
    I think the tired goes with it all . . . snuggle up near him!
    Keeping him/you in my caring . . .

  30. You two hang in there - you are over the hump and he can build up his strength and energy and soon as they zap those cells. Love the mushrooms -- and knowing how cute your birdfeeder was I know you will do them perfectly.

  31. Praying for you all, sweet friend. God bless you.

  32. Im looking so forward to spring and warm sunny days! but it comes slowly to us here in WNY! I did see some crocuses popping up out back.. so its happening! lol! Im waiting on a guy to come to an estimate for a deck for me.. now that I cant wait for! lol! have a great day!

  33. Love gardening:) Veggies and flowers! Enjoy your day dear B.J. Praying for you and Mr. Sweet! Love you!

  34. Everybody is itching to get out in the dirt, we have had lots rain here in Missouri
    so that means get the mowers all out.
    I have my flowers planned out also
    I think about you and your husband a lot

  35. toad stools reminds me of the mario games

  36. I enjoyed your bits of spring and the lovely flowers! You and Mr Sweet continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. xo Cheryl

  37. Bless you so sorry to hear about Mr Sweet. Would love to have flower beds like the ones in the boats, so pretty.

  38. Continuing to pray for you and Mr. Sweet for the Lord to help him through these treatments! I enjoyed seeing your inspiration pictures of the flowers in the boat... got me to thinking! I need to see if I can find an abandoned boat somewhere, this idea would be perfect in my garden! Thanks for the inspiration! I know you will be so excited when the time comes to plant and be outside enjoying the beautiful flowers. Will continue to keep you all in our prayers!

  39. Spring is coming up nicely here in Nashville TN. Still not a lot of color but the plants are coming out and looking healthy. Can't wait, still need to fill my bed with some more. Love the boat planters. Great idea for a lake home.

  40. Spring is coming up nicely here in Nashville TN. Still not a lot of color but the plants are coming out and looking healthy. Can't wait, still need to fill my bed with some more. Love the boat planters. Great idea for a lake home.


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