Friday, March 3, 2017


the use of electronic messaging systems to send
UNSOLICITED bulk messages,
especially ADVERTISING,
Oh, boy....we all HATE SPAM !!
 BLOGGER has given us a special file for SPAM that we can delete it all at once. YAY !!
Yep....hate SPAM ....



I LUV this kind of SPAM

I know a lot of folks cringe at the thought of this delectable treat
sliced very thin....
fried to a crispy mouth-watering state...
between a scrumptious BISCUIT....
with a little jam....

I've been eating it most of my life
since my mother loved it, too.

She would make her delicious homemade biscuits
and get out the jelly or sometimes, honey or syrup...

Then fry a plate full of SPAM
and it was such a gooood  breakfast...

She baked her biscuits in her cast iron skillet..


I bake MY biscuits in HER same olden
cast iron skillet.

 I don't know if she used the "less sodium" SPAM or not...
they probably didn't even have that back when I was a child.

SPAM is a food that reminds me of the good breakfasts
my mama made for me all those long years ago.

SPAM and her recipe for HOMEMADE BISCUITS
will always be a favorite...
and such  comfort foods for me.  

I bet YOU have comfort foods, too...
I'd love to know about what foods makes you have heart-warming memories.
Things are moving along towards getting treatments started for Mr. Sweet.
There's just so much having to be done before treatments start.

We are spending hours in different doctor offices but they are
all trying to get everything done as fast as they can.
The Chemo pills arrived at our house today (3/3/17)

We have the weekend to "take a break" from all those tests....
and looking forward to it.

Our heart-felt thanks for all the prayers, cards, phone calls...


  1. I hope everything goes well.

    Speaking of spam, I used to have a lot of fake comments a few years back but I haven't really had any for months. They've done well filtering those out.

  2. We've been thinking and praying for you. I know you have probably heard about our daughter's brain cancer, and her remarkable recovery. So, we know there are miracles out there --- I'm sure there is one out there with Mr. Sweet's name on it. Hang in there ---- Sally

  3. I had a friend who LOVED Spam. I wish I'd tasted it so I could know what it was like. I bet if I could eat it, I would love it on a country biscuit.

    Been thinking much about you two lovebirds. Sending all the healing wishes your way.

    Hugs & Bugs,
    -- Me

  4. Not a big Spam lover here at all.

    Still sending prayers and healing thoughts your way.

    God bless.

  5. Glad you have the weekend off. May God bless it with peace and joy and some good food.

  6. I haven't popped in for a while. So sorry to hear about Mr Sweet and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    We like Spam in this house also. We have a can in the pantry ready to go. Thought I would give you a smile. On one of our road trips we actually went to the spam museum in Austin, Minnesota. We came out of that museum with several varieties of spam that we don't get here. I won't tell you how many cans we had in that bag ;) It was wonderful trying them all and they lasted a while. If you want to take a look and have a chuckle, the post is here:

    Take good care of yourselves and wishing you both the very best. Denise x

  7. Yes, those doc visits can keep you hopping. Glad that you have the weekend to decompress. it! Have a can in the cupboard and it'll be a miracle if I get to bed before pulling the tab! Always keeping you folks tucked into my prayers...

  8. LOL My hubby loves Spam.
    You all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  9. Holding you and Mr. Sweet close to my heart in thought.
    Praying things will go well.

    Long time since I tasted SPAM - became vegetarian almost 40 years ago - but do recall how it tasted, not bad when fried with eggs, haha!!!!
    Would love your mom's biscuit recipe if you would share it please bj.

    Hugs - Mary

  10. It would never occur to me to make biscuits in my cast iron skillet -- what a great idea! Thanks for the tip! I hope the chemo pills don't make Mr Sweet too ill and that they will be effective. Hugs and best wishes to you all.

  11. I make corn bread in a cast iron skillet and it comes out great, and once in awhile, I really like a grilled cheese. My father likes SPAM. Prayers for both of you. xoxo Su

  12. LOL you would get along well with my dad...he loves Spam :)

  13. I haven't cooked Spam for the RG in a long time. Thanks for the reminder.
    Continuing prayers for Mr. Sweet and the whole family.

  14. I actually like Spam, the kind you eat:). I am praying for you and Mr. Sweet every prayer I pray! Sending a Ganky sized hug your way!

  15. Me again - thanks directing me to your recipe. I'll have to try it - don't see oven temp. and baking time though - can you give me that please bj - thanks, Mary x

  16. My late husband loved spam. I can eat it if fried good and brown. Our son will not touch it even today.
    Trust your doctors know how and what to do for the best to help Mr.Sweet. The way things are happening in our world, it is hard sometimes to trust even the doctor or preacher. May you both find comfort and peace in knowing we all care. Really hate to see Mr. Sweet taking chemo by mouth. Hang in there.

  17. BJ, bless your kindred soul...I thought I was the only one who loves Spam! I make a potato and spam casserole, potato spam soup, and an oyster stew with spam. I must admit when I am cooking with it, I slice a little piece off here and there and eat it right out of the can. Sadly, hubby will eat it in my concoctions, but he's not a big fan. But, that does leave more for me.

  18. You and Mr Sweet are in my prayers. Oh SPAM, they love it in Hawaii and when I lived there I ate a lot of it. Quite good fried up. Enjoy your weekend. Sending hugs, love and prayers.

  19. My Hubby loves Spam and grew up on it too. Still praying for Mr. Sweet and hoping you all can get going on treatments. Thinking about you both! Hugs to you.

  20. I am so happy to hear that things are moving FORWARD. As for Spam, my mother would buy it, too. Though she used it as a main dish type meat, since there were so many of us and back then, Spam was cheaper. She would cut it up into scalloped potatoes. Yuuum. Fried I imagine it tastes like fried baloney, which I loved a kid. There are so many types of Spam nowadays. I should buy a can and cook it up like you do. (:

  21. Happy to hear treatment is beginning - I wish for the best results for you both! Spam brings back memories of my father, who also loved it fried! Haven't had it in years, however I remember the smell of it frying in the kitchen!

  22. Oh My!! Have I missed the recipe for your mother's biscuits? Will you share it now, again? They just LOOK SO GOOD!!! You and Mr. Sweet are in my thoughts and prayers. What beautiful souls you are!

  23. So thrilled you have the weekend off to get some rest! Prayers for the treatments to go well and for God's healing Hand! Hugs and love!

  24. A bit of SPAM and biscuits . . , great medicine . . .
    Thinking of you and your SWEET . .

  25. You and Mr. Sweet are often on my mind and in my prayers, sweet friend. :) If there is ever a time you are bored (I know, right?), and you care to share your Mama's biscuit recipe, what a joy that would be. (Perhaps you already have, and I missed it.) My husband LOVES Spam! I fry it for him, just like you said, in thin slices. He loves it. WE also put cheese on it sometimes. I hope you all can rest and enjoy your weekend together! God bless you.

  26. Praying all the more BJ. You all have been in daily prayers . I keep looking at this little bracelet I wear daily . It says : God's got this! Then it has Proverbs 3:5-6 . Speaking of spam my man likes it fried too and on regular bread with mayo . My granny baked all her biscuits on her iron skillet pan in which I now have .❤ I also love corn beef fried with a little onion and ketchup . My friends frown at it but hey , it works for me . Hugs and blessings , cindy

  27. I've been reading your blog faithfully and keeping up with Mr. Sweet. My prayers are with him, you and your dear family. Take care.

  28. Your biscuits look so good. I have not had any spam for quite some time. I have been praying for Bill and you and will continue to pray. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  29. spam I was very popular when I was a kid.

  30. Yes, Spam was so popular when I was a kid and home biscuits every morning on the farm. My uncles would not sit down to the table unless there were biscuits.

    I am praying that Mr. Sweets treatments will take away the cancer. Hang in there BJ and everything will work out.

    Your in my nightly prayers.


  31. Mr. Sweet is so very blessed to have you caring for him, and especially the wonderful food! I know the many medical things are tiring, but I imagine that will all level out after a routine is established.

    SPAM, I used to love it, sliced and fried as you described. It's no longer in my personal eating plan, but I do have fond memories of it.

    These days I have to stick to a gluten-free, dairy-free, and egg-free eating so "comfort food" has gone in some different directions. But when I need a quick something to eat, there's always a nut butter spread over apple slices.

  32. Keeping you and your sweet one in my thoughts and prayers!!!! I used to make a casserole years ago using Spam. It had a baked bean bottom and layered with brown sugar then spam. We did loved it.

  33. Happy Pink Saturday, my sweet friend. I am always holding you all close in my heart and prayers.♥

    My husband loves fried Spam, and so did my daddy. And, even better that it is pink. haha

  34. Ive never thought of spam on a biscuit! Now that sounds delightful. Ive eaten spam as a meat for dinner before but always wondered ways to spice it up.
    My comfort memory food was Moms biscuts and her dark thick gravy. You could stand the biscuits up in the gravy it was so thick. Oh to eat like that again.... wait, Easter is coming, I know she will be serving this at the churches Sunrise service breakfast! I cant wait.

  35. Love, love, love Spam! I grew up on the stuff and have loved it ever since. My dad, a housepainter, always took a Spam sandwich for lunch. And in Hawaii, it is like a national food! They have a celebration called the Spam Jam in Honolulu, our resort has a weekly Spam carving contest and you can also order Spam sushi! (Hugs and prayers are still coming to you full force from this part of the world!) xxx J.

  36. I have not had Spam in years. But used to love. I am continuing to hold you and Mr. Sweet in my prayers.

  37. Please don't tell anyone but I love Spam!! I haven't had it for years--decades maybe. My favorite way as a child was on white bread spread with mayonnaise top and bottom. On goes the Spam. Cut it in half. Add a few sweet pickles on the side. Pour an ice cold Dr. Pepper!!

    Prayers still with Mr. Sweet, those who love him and those who treat him!!


  38. I will pass on the Spam but I won't pass up the chance to say that I hope Mr. Sweet has great results from the chemo.

    My dad has just had the return of his leukemia confirmed. He will start chemo soon too.

  39. I grew up eating spam too......lots and lots of spam...ha ha LOL and so many delicious hot biscuits, My ma-maw made such good ones.......AND GRAVY!!!!!!!!---MERCY THE delicious gravy.

  40. I remember having Spam at home when I was growing up. I bought some when we were first married but haven't in a long time. Stick a piece of pineapple on top and poke some cloves in and it's tasty! I don't admit it to many but I still make homemade macaroni and cheese with Velveeta. So many people will stick their nose up at the thought of it but everyone always loves it. Prayers for your Mr. Sweet and you too! We went through cancer treatment for our 4 year old daughter in the 90's. I know how taxing it can be to go to the doctor appointments and wait around for countless hours. Take care of yourself- it's very very important. XO, Liz

  41. BJ, Once my parents were taking all us kids to Tennessee to see our cousins. On the trip daddy used his pocket knife and sliced up some spam on a fold over piece of bread and we all had one and a piece of celery ...that was our fast food. Believe me it was before seatbelts or we all could not have piled into daddy's old mercury car. You take me back in time sweet lady. Blessings to you, your sweet man, and family. xoxo, Praying still. xoxo, Susie

  42. Sending love, and praying prayers for you and Bill. I haven't had spam in years, and so far I'm ok with that ;) My comfort food is eggs and toast, that's what my grandma served for breakfast every day when I was growing up. All home made including the butter! Most of the time it came with 2 slices of bacon and I feel like I'm right back at her kitchen table when I have that for breakfast :)

  43. I am reading your post from my daughter's hospital room...week 3...I chuckled about the spam and then riveted back into reality with your mention of hospitals...staying strong for everyone...staying positive and strong. Thanks for the uplift...sending good thoughts your way. :)

  44. Hubby and I are both keeping you and Mr. Sweets in our prayers! Don't worry about visiting anyone now and don't eat Spam. No....I take that whatever you want to! God bless, Diane

  45. We always ate fried Spam for lunch on white bread with mustard. Yum! Prayers for all.

  46. Hugs and prayers! I love fried Spam!

  47. I have never been a fan of spam, but with your mother's homemade biscuits, maybe I'd change my mind... how awesome that you are still using her skillet too! Will continue to pray for Mr. Sweet! Can only imagine how difficult this road is to walk, but I pray that the Lord comforts and helps you through it all. Blessings and hugs for all of you!

  48. Hello bj...I have been thinking you and praying for both you and your hubby (your family in general. I saw this post as I was going through your posts and wanted to tell you that I like Spam too! I was raised on spam...sometimes we ate it right out of the can! So many folks just hate the thought of it. Sending hugs to you and prayers for the first chemo treatment to go well! Hugs!♥


Way too much spam and people commenting that are stealing my space to post nonsense comments allowed.
So sorry but I have no other choice.
I love my blogging friends and most of all my family but these spam prone people are so rude and selfish have made my blogging not nearly as much fun..

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.