Saturday, February 3, 2018

Apricot Hand Pies....and a Birthday


Mr. Sweet and I bought a tiny house the 2nd year we were married...
that would have been 1962.

It had 2 small bedrooms, 1 bath, a fairly large eat-in kitchen
and a small livingroom.

We had the largest apricot tree in the back and it was loaded
with fruit most of the time we lived there.
Apricots are one of my very favorite fruits..

Mr. Sweet's mom made the BEST Apricot Fried Pies.....EVER !!!!
She used her biscuit dough and fresh apricots, when in season.
She canned a lot and froze some to use for baking.
And....she fried them in LARD...
and talk about fall-to-your-knees-GOOD!!!!!!

I personally like PIE dough better than biscuit dough.....
but the other day, I had a can of crescent rolls explode in the fridge...
I knew I had to use them right away.....

I had dried apricots
so I decided to use the crescent rolls and make little

 Using my kitchen shears, I cut them in small pieces...
added water and boiled them gently until the fruit was soft
and then added sugar to taste....and VANILLA...always !

filled each roll with apricot filling,
brushed with melted butter...
sprinkling of cinnamon...
and dusted with sanding sugar.

I would have loved to FRY them but baked them until a golden brown.
♥ ♥ ♥

 MERCY ME....they were sooo good.


to the BEST son in the whole wide world.... 

Feb. 3rd



  1. Oh, those look soooo good. I love apricots. I have some Harney and sons apricot tea, and it is wonderful. Wouldn't we make a delicious pair? I got this old and didn't know you could use biscuits that popped. Probably I never caught them in time though. Tell your son happy birthday. Hugs!

  2. You always make the best food! And make it look so simple to do. I love apricots but somehow forgot about them. When my babies were little and eating baby food, I always bought extra apricots for me. I'm going to try your recipe. Thanks.

  3. There you go again, making me hungry:) I LOVE Crescent rolls and this actually looks like something I could make. Sweet memories of those pies so many years ago, memories are treasures. Happy Birthday David Keith! Have a blessed day dear B.J. HUGS!

  4. Happy birthday to your son David -- did you save him a hand pie? Oh, I bet he'll get a big cake instead!

  5. Sound/Look yummy . . .
    Happy Birthday to David . . .
    Hugs to you bj . . .

  6. Your hand pies look wonderful. What a treat with a cup of coffee or tea.

    Happy birthday to David.

    God bless.

  7. Always a favorite fruit for me - my mum made wonderful Apricot Jam when I was growing up - we enjoyed it on cakes, scones, toast etc. Here, I sometimes cook a small batch and keep it in a jar in the 'frig to add to my morning yogurt, so yummy.
    Your idea for the hand pies is great - must give them a try.

    Happy Birthday to your David - and hope all is good with you dear bj.
    Hugs - Mary

  8. I guess those crescent rolls were ready to be cooked! You did a wonderful job of saving them with your delicious looking recipe.

  9. Now those do look good. My grandmother always used lard for deep frying. I think I’ll get some for a doughnut party. 😉

    Happy Birthday to Keith🎈

  10. Happy Birthday to Keith! I love apricots and your little pies look so good. I'm glad the can of crescent rolls exploded in your fridge .. how else would we get this recipe for apricot hand pie?!!!!!!!!!! Happy Weekend.

  11. I Love apricots also. Your hand pies look delicious. Happy Birthday to David. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  12. Those pies look so good!! I'm afraid the winter food binge is catching up with me though!

  13. Good Morning BJ, How I would to have one of those with my morning cup of coffee. I am trying to catch up with friends that I have missed so much. Typing on a tablet is not one of the things I like to do. Your pies look so yummy and my mom always used lard to fry food with. Of course, living on a farm we had our own meat. Happy Birthday to your son and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  14. those look very good, dear Lady... (we like how they taste a lot like peaches) right here at the state line peaches are very common insects and weather conditions have been affecting the crop... so they continue to rise in price... (and Birthday wishes to your son...)
    Hope that you and yours are well... Hello from Marshville....

  15. For some reason I have never eaten many apricots. I can remember having some dried ones and they weren't very good so I think that 'tainted' my view of apricots. lol These look delicious though..absolutely wonderful.

    Happy Birthday to your dear son. Blessings- xo Diana

  16. Those look really delicious and cooking with the apricots must bring back lots of very special memories. Best wishes to you son!

  17. Your pies look delicious. My Grandmother made the best fried apricot pies, this reminds me of her, and I sure wish I had one right now. Happy Birthday to your son. Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks for sharing!
    Miz Helen

  18. My husband's grandmother (an Okie) made wonderful fried pies. I inherited the mantle and have made them for many years for my family. I've tried baking them, but no go for my family, and I too use homemade pie crust. My kids love to tease each other about who I'm making them for, but it's always when they're all here!

    1. Dear GrammaGrits...I hope you come back and see my THANK YOU for your sweet words and visit. You are a NO REPLY emailer so I have no other way to say thank you.

    2. You are most welcome! Blessings to you and your family. . .

  19. Yummy! I have a very old apricot tree but it doesn't bare much anymore. However, if I do have some this summer I will try your idea.

  20. Those pies look wonderful and I know they taste sooooooooooo good. Thanks for this great idea. I like apricots, but for some reason haven't had any for a long time.

    Have a great week.


  21. I had no idea you could un dry fruit! Oh my goodness. That means I could make some fig nutens! Ya think? Apricot is something you do not hear much about around here but I do love them. Your little pies look so cute and Im diggin the mug!!!

  22. Hi bj ... we eat a lot of dry apricots and love them. I think Mr. Z. is getting tired of them so maybe I should try these little pies. Glad you are feeling better ... and wishing Keith a very happy birthday.
    Audrey Z.

  23. Happy birthday to your son!
    Your little pies look amazing. I have apricots in the freezer . . . much try :)

  24. You are so smart and you were rewarded. My, those little pies look good. My mother made peach ones and we all loved them.

  25. Happy Birthday to David, who shares a birthday with my sister who is 56 years young! I have some pie crusts in the freezer and some plum jam I need to use...I know it isn't apricot, but you gave me a good idea...Glad to see you again! I hope your days get sunnier!

  26. Hahaha - fry in lard! Those were the days! These look so good - I'm not a big fan of apricots (sorry!) but I bet any fruit would be good in these. I just made some hand pies for a meeting at our house using pie dough and cherry pie filling.

  27. Hello!
    Thank you so much for visiting my little space.
    Thank you also for your kind words.
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your soulmate.
    My parents were married 58 years when my Daddy passed almost four years ago.
    Your space here is lovely!
    I am happy to be a new follower.
    Have a cozy afternoon! : )

  28. Oh I love fried pies! I'm not supposed to eat sugar now but when I did, I'd stock up on fried pies when I would visit the Amish bakery. They made them with so many different fillings, even a breakfast fried pie. My mother always used lard in her cooking and baking when I was a youngster and everything she made was delish! Happy Birthday to David!

  29. Should never have read this before breakfast - my mouth is watering!!

  30. Happy Birthday to your son.
    My gram used to save her own fat.
    Used it for EVERYTHING.

    Your hand-pies look wonderful.
    I must try these. Yum.

  31. That looks so good! I love apricots and this is such an easy way to make some delicious treats :)


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